请注意这个历史频道的声明:出埃及时代的法老是图特摩斯三世,不是拉美西斯二世!我一直是这么认为的-精确地说,图 特摩斯三世应该是出埃及时代之前那一位法老。因为摩西不想不愿意面对他,所以只好在米甸的荒野里等待了40年直到图特摩斯三世死去。图特摩斯三世是在他成 功地消灭了赫雀瑟的政权后奴役所有以色列人的那位法老(在他被一个以色列人摩西压迫了22多年后,他有充足的理由这么做)。和摩西最后对手的那个法老应该 就是图特摩斯三世的继承人。摩西即使有赫雀瑟的支持,在争夺王位的斗争中依然败给了图特摩斯三世,这就是他不愿意和老对手再面对的原因。摩西死后转生为拉 美西斯二世,成就了他想成为埃及法老的心愿。
摩西的前世-在大洪水之前的史前文明中,是阿加夏王子,即阿蒙一世。后来他的儿子阿蒙二世在叛乱中逃出了王都,逃到 埃及,在那里建立了埃及文明。埃及人崇拜的阿蒙神,其实就是阿蒙一世-阿加夏大王,也就是摩西的前世。阿蒙一世转世为摩西,来到埃及做阿蒙神庙的大祭司, 就是这个前缘。
他搞了一场造神运动,将赫雀瑟捧上神座,号称她是阿蒙神的女儿,看来也是很合理的,他的确有资格给她这个神的封号。 我说过摩西很会造神,但是这样似乎并没有什么不妥,因为他自己就是阿蒙的转世。摩西在拉美西斯那一世那么骄傲地成为王中王,也是因为他真实的身份就是阿蒙 一世。
赫雀瑟一直享有崇高的神妾地位,为什么她可以趁机将自己嫁给阿蒙神?而拉美西斯又趁机和赫雀瑟搞了一场冥婚,这不是 解释了两人世代不断的爱情关系?摩西后来转世为耶稣基督创立了基督教,基督教中那一句来源不明的颂语"阿门",就是来自于"阿蒙"这个称号,阿蒙在这里和 耶和华一样都是神的名号,阿蒙就是耶和华的前身。
Please pay attention what is stated here: Thutmosis III is the pharao of Exodus, not Rameses II !That is what I think all along - to be precise, Thutmosis III should be the one just before Exodus. Because moses did not want to confront him, had to wait 40 years in the wildness of Midian until Thutmosis died. Thutmosis III is the one who enslaved all the isaelies after he plot to wipe off the Hatshepsut's reign. The pharao moses fought with is the sucessor of Thutmosis III. Moses lost in the fights with Thutmosis III over the throne even with the support of Hat, that is the reason he did not want to confront his old opponent. Moses reborn as Rameses II after he died.
Nevertheless, in ca. 1483 BCE Moses fled Egypt and it is exactly in this period (give or take a year) that chronologists pin the successful revolution against Hatshepsut and when Tutmose III seized the throne. We can logically connect these two events because it is obvious that Hatshepsut deposed Thutmose III and she groomed Moses as her successor (as the implication is in Acts 7 that Moses could have become the ruler of Egypt cf. Hebrews 11:24). It is quite natural that Thutmose III would not have had any commitment to Moses. When Thutmose III received word that Moses had killed an Egyptian it was a defining moment, a politically expedient opportunity to use this information to rid himself of this hated rivals Hatshepsut and Moses. Moses, apparently anticipating this, fled from Egypt to Sinai.
If this reconstruction is correct, that this is the period of the Exodus and the period of Moses, then Hatshepsut is the only likely candidate for being Moses' adopted mother. She was the daughter of pharaoh who pulled him from the Nile. It would also explain something that has been enigmatic in Egyptian history -- what caused Hatshepsut to so quickly lose support of the priestly aristocracy and the military that Thutmose III could stage a successful revolt against her. Supposedly she simply died peacefully in her fifties but more likely she had some assistance in departing on her voyage to the afterlife.
If she groomed Moses, despite his Hebrew origins, to be the next pharaoh and it turned out that he was a murderer of Egyptians you can see the cause of her loss of support and likely suicide or murder. The shift in this aristocratic and military support allowed Thutmose III to stage a successful coup.
This pharaoh, Thutmose III, would then be the pharaoh that had to die before Moses could return from Midian (Exodus 2:23). He was the pharaoh who sought Moses' life. That makes an interesting point. Hatshepsut ruled but technically it was joint rule - she had usurped power, but technically Thutmose III still carried the title of pharaoh jointly with her. This enabled him to get rid of her completely.
Thutmose III apparently did something that only occurred one additional time in the span of Egyptian history. The Egyptian people viewed their pharaohs as being a god in the flesh. The temple of Hatshepsut lies along the Nile in the Diro Valley, just across from Karnak, where one can see what remains of Hatshepsut's figure. Thutmose III, who undoubtedly hated her, completely eradicated nearly all her monuments throughout Egypt. Only on one other occasion would Egyptian authorities eradicate the monuments of a previous pharaoh and erase his name wherever found. That was the case of the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten who closed all the temples of the Egyptian gods and tried to get them all to worship a single deity – the god of the sun.